Kami menyediakan jasa penyedia dokumen lingkungan yang menjadi dasar persyaratan dalam kegiatan usaha baik yang memiliki resiko tinggi, menengah, maupun rendah. Layanan kami meliputi pengambilan data informasi lapangan terkait rona awal, uji sample tanah air udara, penyusunan dokumen studi Amdal atau UKL/UPL, sampai dengan persetujuan lingkungan serta penyusunan laporan RKL-RPL periodik.
Services to Environmental Document Provider
We provide environmental document provider services which are the basic requirements in business activities that have high, medium and low risks. Our services include data collection of field information related to the initial hue, air water soil sample testing, preparation of EIA or Environmental Management and Monitoring (UKL-UPL) study documents, up to environmental approval and preparation of periodic Environmental Management and Monitoring (RKL-RPL) reports.