Kami menyediakan jasa pengelolaan sosial didalam areal kegiatan usaha pemanfaatan kawasan sebagaimana kewajiban dari pemerintah bagi setiap kegiatan usaha untuk mengelola dampak sosial yang dapat mempengaruhi atas kegiatan usaha. Layanan kami meliputi invetarisasi survey pemetaan sosial, pendampingan kegiatan Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) ,serta Sosial Impact Assesment (SIA).
Social Study Services
We provide social management services within the area of business activities utilizing the area as an obligation from the government for every business activity to manage social impacts that can affect business activities. Our services include social mapping survey inventory, assistance with Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) activities, and Social Impact Assessment (SIA).